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Check Deposit Requirements

Can I deposit my check into my account?

Sebi Ovesian avatar
Written by Sebi Ovesian
Updated over 5 months ago

Hingham Savings accepts almost all checks for deposit into our accounts. Here is a quick guide to help determine if a check in your possession is eligible for deposit:

Types of Checks HIFS Can Accept for Deposit

  • Checks from US banks drawn on US funds

  • Checks payable to yourself or the business/ trust named on the account you are depositing the funds into

  • Treasurer's / Cashier's checks & Money Orders

Types of Checks HIFS Cannot Accept for Deposit

  • Stale dated checks - checks over 6 months old (unless otherwise specified on the check itself)

  • Post dated checks - checks made payable with a future date

  • Third Party checks - checks made payable to someone else and endorsed over to you or made payable to your name 'and' the name of someone not on the account in question

  • Checks that have been previously returned or substitute checks - checks that have already been deposited and returned on your account or 'charged back'

  • Traveler’s checks

  • Checks made payable to a deceased depositor

Types of checks we can accept only in branch locations or by mail:

  • Checks from non US banks or drawn on non-US funds

In rare cases exceptions can be made. Please consult our branch staff or the customer experience team with any questions regarding the above guidelines.

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