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Merchant Data Breaches

What should I do if a merchant reports my Hingham Savings Debit Card as compromised?

Leigh Hemmings avatar
Written by Leigh Hemmings
Updated over 8 months ago

From time to time you may hear of data breaches occurring with local and national retailers. We understand that you rely on the safety and convenience of your debit card. We may proactively reissue your debit card as an added safety measure to protect your information if we receive notification that your card may have been included in a compromise.

Hingham Savings Process for Data Breaches:

  • Hingham Savings has a team of specialists that closely monitors each data breach that has been reported.

  • We have limited information related to data breaches, for example the information we receive does not typically tell us where or how your card information may have been compromised.

  • Data breach alerts are categorized into severity levels based on how much of your personal information may have been compromised at the time of the data breach. We utilize that information to determine if your current debit card should be closed to protect you from risk of unauthorized transactions.

If you see a transaction on your account that you don't recognize or is incorrect, call us immediately at 781-749-2200 or use the Debit Card Dispute Form below to report:

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